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sciendis – smart technology for healthcare professionals

The two founders, Michael Aleithe (CEO) and Philipp Skowron (COO).

From desk drawer to daily use

Digital transformation in healthcare? Shouldn’t the focus be on the person? “Exactly,” thought Michael Aleithe and Philipp Skowron, PhD candidates and founders of Leipzig-based start-up sciendis. Their aim is to simplify and improve work processes and work quality through clever, user-friendly e-health apps for healthcare professionals.

Mr Aleithe, what gave you the idea for your company?

Philipp and I met in 2016 as PhD students at the University of Leipzig. Our work focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and security in digital healthcare apps and the development of digital medical products. We realised straightaway that we shared the same passion for digital solutions and the belief that we could use smart technologies to significantly improve the work of healthcare professionals, with immediate benefits for patients. So we founded sciendis in August 2019. I provide the creative ideas and Philipp adds the structure.

What is it about healthcare that appeals to you?

The healthcare system is dominated by public agencies, health insurance companies and legislation. The result is an inertia that frightens off many start-ups. Unlike others, we take a value-based approach to our work. We don’t want the findings from our PhD theses to simply gather dust in a desk drawer. Quite the opposite: we want to deliver practical benefits and improve healthcare provision in the long term.

Team meeting with Philipp, Michael and Sylvia (from left to right).

Which concrete product represents the first step towards your goal?

Our first product is “Wundera”, an e-health app for documenting wound care. Integrated voice commands mean users can document wounds up to 70 per cent faster. Healthcare professionals simply dictate the results of their examination into the app and take photos of the wound.

The app also contains all the information from the standard German reference work, “Expertenstandards Pflege von Menschen mit chronischen Wunden” (Expert standards for the care of people with chronic wounds). Using AI, the app can make recommendations for further care based on these standards. We’re currently working at pace to get the app certified as a medical product. That should happen by the first quarter of next year, and then we can really get going.

(Kopie 2)

Have you received support along the way?

Fortunately, yes. VC fund Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen (TGFS) and the Development Bank of Saxony (SAB) both believe in our product. They’ve been supporting us since March 2020 with funding and expertise. We’re very grateful to have them as partners. Since then, a number of private investors have also expressed an interest in taking a stake and we have expanded our team with the addition of a designer, Sylvia, and a programmer, Daniel.

More about the eHealth-App

Photos: © Tom Schulze

Above the roofs of Leipzig – the four-strong sciendis team, from left to right: Sylvia, Michael, Daniel and Philipp.